Next in our AD Lubow 25th Anniversary Series: In 1907, the slogan, “Carnation Condensed Milk, the milk from contented cows” was introduced. It referred to the higher quality milk from happy cows grazing in the lush Pacific Northwest. For a long time, our agency has been making advertising from equally “contented content,” meaning it’s made from the good and green fields of our client’s everyday life. For example, when asked to come up with conventional membership materials for Liberty Science Center, our mindset went beyond the conventional brochures and posters. We proposed a membership-seeking robot that spewed membership applications. It was more than an ad. It was an exhibition in itself.
For years, we’ve also believed in the eco-friendly practice of building promotions with 100% recycled materials. So after producing dozens of biopics of the amazing scientists who have graced the gala fundraisers of Liberty Science Center, we created an interactive exhibition called GENIUS GALLERY featuring the short biopics we produced about these remarkable visionaries. That’s what we mean by contented content—where nothing goes to waste and everything comes from the genuine, everyday life of our clients.