
QZ.COM: New Mobile Journalism: A Compelling Convergence of Church & State


We think advertising’s future is in creating honest and informative videos. Look for a world where ad copywriters behave more like journalists. And where news organizations behave a little more like new-fashioned gray-flannel suits. To that end, read about is a mobile device driven brand of journalism for the “front of the airplane” crowd. It’s also an honest new form of reporting unafraid of what it or its advertisers have to say.

Look at the news coverage. It’s rooted in “a set of defining obsessions: core topics and knotty questions of seismic importance to business professionals. These are the issues that energize our newsroom, and we invite you to obsess about them along with us.” It works. After all, if writers aren’t insanely focused on wrapping their stories around one zeitgeist or another, how can readers be expected to work up a sweat?

Look at the ads and integrated sponsor content on no hype, just stories in text and video of compelling interest to business leaders and investors. Should readers be interested in a behind-the-scenes view of the making of the latest Credit Suisse ad campaign? I, for one, am. Would frequent flyers, conservationists, and master planners want to know how Boeing is manufacturing lighter weight, stronger, more fuel-efficient airplanes? They should be walking on air to be privy to this kind of information. Is it happenstance that affluent car drivers want to know Cadillac is building smarter cars that can avoid fender benders? Nope. No accident at all.

At AD Lubow, we’ve been producing the interactive video ad consoles you see on