I invite you to read an interview I did for The Boy and the Boy King, which will run in the print edition of CairoWest Magazine. The book, by the way, is available now on Amazon, the Strand website. and other book sites.

The next chapter of AD Lubow continues very happily. I remain active with M+, the successor to AD Lubow run by Nico Marcellino. We’re working on some very interesting and worthy projects. And I’m collaborating now with the animator, Mei Li and Alec Sokolow, one of the screenwriters of Toy Story, on a book that couldn’t be more relevant to times such as these.
Stay tuned.
With warm regards,
Arthur Lubow
P.S. Our publisher is collecting photos of children all over the world reading The Boy and the Boy King. If you have one, please send it to me at: [email protected]