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Dear Dr. Tyson, I Hate You. Love, Nadia

Archeologist, Jack Horner, demoted T-Rex to the status of scavenger. Renowned astrophysicist and educator, Neil de Grasse Tyson is accused of stripping Pluto of its standing as a planet. That’s when both started getting “hate mail” from the fans who loved them most: children.

Have a look at the video segment we created for Liberty Science Center’s Genius Gala 5.0 in which Dr. Tyson commiserates with Horner.

According the “Tyson, in this honorary video, had the crowd roaring..”

This, of course, elevates the status of our long-held theory: Humor is a seriously salubrious instrument of invention.

American Ballet Theatre’s World Premiere Is a Smash Success


Last week we wrote about our mini-documentary on the making of Alexei Ratmansky’s “Serenade After Plato’s Symposium” (after music by Leonard Bernstein). Now, we’re entirely delighted to point you to the ballet’s fabulous review by the venerable New York Times critic, Alastair Macaulay.

We couldn’t be more proud of or happy for the dancers and artists of ABT; and feel privileged to have witnessed and chronicled the creation of this wonderful work.

We’re glad, too, to report that our films are getting upwards of 2,000 likes each day on Facebook

Is It A Documentary? Or Is It An Ad?

The answer is: Yes.

Yes, the In the Studio series we’re creating for American Ballet Theatre consists of mini-documentaries. In the span of three or four minutes, fans can see the incredible work that goes on behind the scenes. They can be right there in the studio at the side of their favorite dancers experiencing the process of creating a brand new ballet… or refreshing a timeless classic.


What goes through te mind of Alexei Ratmansky when transliterating the music of Leonard Bernstein into motion? Well, just watch these pieces and you’ll know. As Stella Abrera put it: “Watching Alexei Ratmansky preparing for his new production of Sleeping Beauty was kind of like watching a very old painting from the Louvre slowly come to life.”

Stella and all the interviewed dancers were shot in such a beautiful light, they could be mistaken for a Thomas Dewing painting— with a gorgeous glow in the depth of a soft green field. “This is beautiful…” one viewer told us. “I was rapt for a full 3 minutes. And I’m totally disconnected from ballet in every way. How do I get a ticket?”

So yes, the answer is yes. This is a documentary. And that’s what makes it a great ad.

Be on the look out for new installments each week of the ABT Spring Season.

World Premiere

La Fille Mal Gardée

20th Anniversary Season

The Golden Cockerel

The Sleeping Beauty

AD Lubow Launches New Website and Re-Branding for Sands Point Preserve


Vigorous Branding is Concise:  The sentence we crafted for the carousel of the new Sands Point Preserve website proves this in just 5 words: a Time, a Place, an Education, an Adventure and an Event — Worth Saving.

Our logo re-brands and re-positions the Preserve as a Conservancy. And it visually depicts the urgency of saving one of the Gold Coast of Long Island’s most important estates. After all, if lost, the likes of these mansions, castles, shorelines and and forests won’t ever be seen again.

Enjoy the site. And do pay Sands Point Preserve a visit. It’s less than 45 minutes for New York City.

If you’re a fashion photographer or TV/Film producer, consider shooting your next film at the Preserve.

Rave Reviews For Our New Site


Our new website, Creative for a Cause has launched. And here are some of the comments:

“Well, Arthur, I have to tell you that I imagined just taking a quick look, and fell right down the AD Lubow rabbit hole, watching videos and slide shows and clicking through and through into things I never knew existed. (That stuff about ad exchanges? Amazing!) And the logo for the Pope’s visit?! So great! Very, very impressive. Thanks for sharing it.” — Carol Wallace Hamlin, author of The Preppy Handbook and the book that served as the inspiration for Downton Abbey, “To Marry an English Lord”

“Your new, revamped website is nothing short of brilliant — it shows off your talents really well and is very functional / easy to get around! — George Lewis, World-Renowned Artist and Photographer

“Wow! I love your reel. So impressive. You do amazing work. I am so impressed! Well done.” — Deborah Royce, Philanthropist

“INCREDIBLE!!!” — Tony Milbank, Chairman, Milbank Memorial Fund

“Stunning as always, Arthur! I love the visuals and videos as well as how you make simple to understand points. Great work!” — Nancy Karpf, New York Times

“Bravo! Your genius is manifest.” — Aaron Mendelsohn, Investor

“Say less. Tell more.” Fantastic tagline! Beautifully done video and great music track. Impressive work.” — Ron Culp, Director, MA Program — Public Relations and Advertising, DePaul University

“Arthur, I can’t imagine why any client would go elsewhere. I want to spend some time with this, and look through it carefully. I couldn’t resist viewing the Sizzle Reel again, which is nothing short of spectacular.” — Jean Marcellino, legendary Art Director on signature accounts from the glory days of IBM and more

“Really impressive — clean and beautiful and I like the prose. Congratulations!” — Sara Clough, Columbia University Teachers College

“Your new site is a fantastic representation of your company and incredible accomplishments. The way you blended your creative with your client causes and compelling images is exquisitely powerful. Bravo!” — Kate Clark, President of YOTTOY

“It’s a beautiful site. You get the perfect balance of clarity and richness. Great content. Two standouts for me: the “lady you’re in the wrong line” and the “beetles to Beatles” parts.” — Lansing Moore, Sr. Director, Circle Studios

“Brilliant strategy” — George Calderaro, Columbia University School of Professional Studies

“The site looks great and really conveys your focus on both profit and nonprofit organizations, but always with those that are on the forefront of creativity. It is clean and easy to navigate and has incredible imagery. It feels alive and exciting. Great job!” — Jim Rogers, Marymount Manhattan College

“Cheers, I love the site, the copy is very compelling and it’s an effective gallery of AD Lubow’s wonderful video work.” — Lansing Moore, Jr., New York Botanical Garden

The Future of Advertising: Do What the Client Does


As many of our presidential candidates are proving, no amount of ad spending can assure anyone will pay attention to an empty promise. Instead, all marketing communications from now on will need to go about things differently. Marketing will have to be what the client is; do what the client does.

Toward that end, we’ve partnered with the wise directors at Liberty Science Center to create a display called the LSC GENIUS GALLERY. With a ton of multimedia information about the luminaries who have graced the stage at the museum’s annual Genius Gala, it’s an exhibition in itself. But it’s also more than that. It’s a fundraising communications tool that, by association with the finest scientific and entrepreneurial minds in the world, wins Liberty Science Center the confidence of major donors, foundations and educators. That’s the new way of marketing. Do What the Client Does. That’s genius!

AD Lubow Wins MarCom’s Platinum Award for ABT 75th Anniversary Portal


The portal is designed to celebrate American Ballet Theatre’s 75th Anniversary Season with a timeline of milestones, video remembrances, luscious current and archival photography. The site continues to generate praise and interest, promoting current ticket sales in the process.

This is a responsive design site that looks equally wonderful on desktop, tablet device or mobile phone. Please have a look.

Credit goes to designer Mildred Lalica, programmer Nico Marcellino and ABT staffers Stephanie Rainess, Kristen McGuire, Dan Casatelli, James Timm plus videographer Kevin Frech who all collaborated seamlessly to develop the superb content.

A Medal from Timothy Cardinal Dolan


For our strategy, logo identity and videos produced for Pope Francis’ historic visit to New York, AD Lubow was awarded a special medal by Timothy Cardinal Dolan. His Eminence wrote:

Once again, heartfelt gratitude for all that you did to make our Holy Father’s historic visit to New York a most inspiring and enjoyable experience — one that will never be forgotten. For your time, dedication, and expertise, I am eternally grateful.

Humor Disarms Divisiveness. Charity Arms Hope.

The legendary Al Smith Memorial Foundation dinner is legendary for joke-jousting at the highest levels of political aspiration, from JFK and Nixon to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

But, as our film rightly points out, humor disarms divisiveness. And after each dinner is over and all barbs are put aside, millions of dollars have been raised for worthy charities. And whereas some see disabilities. these organizations see abilities. Whereas others may see sadness. These find joy. See what else the Al Smith Memorial Foundations sees in the widely-acclaimed video we produced:

It’s a model of just how much you can do with existing imagery and lyrical writing.

The Pope, A Rainbow and New York



Due to heavy security, the line to get into the Pope Francis “Journey of Faith” event and Mass at Madison Square Garden stretched down to 22nd street and then snaked up again weaving through and around each city block. We entered the line at 2:30 and got through security at 6pm. Along the way…. plenty of New York humor and a touch of the supernatural on this perfect Indian Summer day. A woman looked up and said: “Look, a rainbow; and it looks like a smile. Strange weather we’re having.” A young, burly 25-year old cop instantly shot back: “Lady, if you think that’s the weather, you’re on the wrong line!!”